liés à la connaissance

Risoluzione dei problemi e riparazione dei motori impermeabili

Publié par Fengyukun le

Nell'industria moderna e nella vita quotidiana, i motori impermeabili sono sempre più utilizzati. Tuttavia, a causa del funzionamento a lungo termine o dell'uso improprio, i motori impermeabili possono subire vari guasti. Questo articolo introdurrà alcuni comuni metodi di risoluzione dei problemi e di riparazione dei motori impermeabili, sperando di essere utile a tutti. 1. Fenomeno di faglia 1. Rumore anomalo: il motore emette un rumore anomalo durante il funzionamento, che potrebbe essere causato dall'usura dei cuscinetti, dallo squilibrio del rotore, ecc.2. Riscaldamento intenso: il surriscaldamento del motore può essere causato da sovraccarico, cortocircuito degli avvolgimenti, scarsa ventilazione, ecc.3. Vibrazioni eccessive:...

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Improving underwater propeller performance: starting with ESC technology

Publié par Fengyukun le

Electrical control technology is the key to optimizing the performance of underwater thrusters. This article will analyze electric control technology and explore how to use it to improve the performance of underwater thrusters.First, precise speed control is key. Electrical regulation technology can achieve precise control of motor speed, allowing the thruster to achieve optimal efficiency under different working conditions. Through advanced control algorithms and feedback mechanisms, the ESC can adjust the speed of the motor in real time and improve the response speed and stability of the thruster.Secondly, efficient energy conversion is also important. ESCs should have good energy management...

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Small in size, big in action: temperature measurement mini thermal imaging camera

Publié par Fengyukun le

In today's rapid technological development, thermal imaging cameras are emerging as a non-contact temperature measurement tool. Its ability to convert thermal energy into a visible image shows us a whole new world of vision. The working principle of a thermal imaging camera is based on infrared radiation. By detecting the infrared energy emanating from the surface of an object, it shows the temperature distribution of the object in real time. This makes thermal imaging cameras have a wide range of applications in many fields, such as industrial inspection, building diagnostics, security monitoring and so on. When describing the features of...

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Troubleshooting and Repairing Underwater Propellers

Publié par Fengyukun le

Underwater thrusters are critical pieces of equipment in underwater exploration and operations. However, even the most reliable equipment can fail occasionally. In this article, we'll introduce you to some common underwater thruster troubleshooting methods and repair tips to help you quickly resolve problems when they do occur. The first step in troubleshooting is to perform a thorough inspection of the thruster. Check for loose cable connections, fully charged batteries, and the appearance of the thruster for visible damage or wear. These simple inspection steps often resolve common problems. If the initial inspection does not reveal any problems, you can next...

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L'importance de faire correspondre les ESC PWM aux moteurs

Publié par Fengyukun le

Dans le domaine de la régulation électronique de la vitesse, l'adaptation des contrôleurs et des moteurs PWM (Pulse width Modulation) est cruciale. Ce processus d'adaptation critique affecte directement les performances, l'efficacité et la durée de vie du moteur. Dans ce blog, j'approfondirai l'importance de faire correspondre les ESC PWM aux moteurs.1. Optimisation des performances : un ESC PWM correct permet une régulation précise de la vitesse en fonction des caractéristiques du moteur. En ajustant le cycle de service du signal PWM, la vitesse du moteur peut être contrôlée avec précision pour maintenir un fonctionnement efficace et stable sous différentes charges.2....

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